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Checkup Documentation

Optimize search indexes scheduled task

severity-medium cms-scheduledtask-search-indexoptimizer


If you have Smart Search Indexes setup (Local/Lucene), you will want to ensure the Optimize local search indexes Scheduled Task is enabled. Over time, these indexes can become less efficient, particularly in the case of large indexes. Enabling this task will get your search indexes performing optimally again.

Check Logic

Constant Care for Kentico will ensure the scheduled task is enabled (default)

You can manage your settings for this checkup in the Constant Care for Kentico admin settings.


Go to the Scheduled Tasks application and ensure the Optimize local search indexes task is enabled. It is a good idea to run this run once a week. However, if you have a lot of content changes every day, you may want to run it more often. If your content does not change too often, you may be okay with running it once a month.

Note: On older versions of Kentico, the task may be named "Optimize search indexes".

More information can be found here:

Not sure what to do?

If you are ever unsure about making changes to your site, we encourage you to reach out to your Kentico Xperience Gold Partner. If you do not have a partner, then feel free contact the Constant Care For Kentico team to get connected with an expert.