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Constant Care for Kentico


Checks in Constant Care for Kentico are grouped by category to help you understand their purpose. 

All checks have Check Logic which determines if the check will send an alert or not. By default, it is assumed Constant Care for Kentico is running on a production website. Checks can have their values customized within your Constant for Kentico Care Settings Admin. Some checks also have additional settings for even more control over your alerts. You also have the option to disable or ignore checks.

Please reach out to the Toolkit for Kentico team with any questions.


hDisable debugging Checks to see if debug is enabled on the site
hDisable debugging (.NET code) Checks the root web.config setting for debug being enabled
hToo many activity records Checks the number of records in the activity table
mCache content (minutes) Checks the Kentico content caching settings
mCache page info (minutes) Checks the Kentico page info caching settings
mContinuous integration is enabled Checks to ensure continuous integration is disabled on your site
mLighthouse: Performance Opportunity (Desktop) Checks your Desktop Performance Opportunities Score using a Lighthouse Audit
mLighthouse: Performance Opportunity (Mobile) Checks your Mobile Performance Opportunities Score using a Lighthouse Audit
mLighthouse: Performance Score (Desktop) Checks your Desktop Performance Score using a Lighthouse Audit
mLighthouse: Performance Score (Mobile) Checks your Mobile Performance Score using a Lighthouse Audit
mOptimize compilations (.NET code) Checks how the optimize compilations option is set in the web.config file
mOptimize search indexes scheduled task Checks to ensure the "Optimize local search indexes" scheduled task is enabled
mToo many contact records Checks the number of records in the contacts table
mToo many inactive contacts Checks the number of inactive contact records
mToo many old activity records Checks the number of activity records in the log older than a given date
mUse progressive caching Checks whether progressive caching is enabled in Kentico
lRecompiles before app restart (.NET code) Checks the web.config file for the number of recompiles before the app restarts
lWeb parts that do not have columns specified Checks to ensure all web parts have the columns field specified


cBlank passwords (admins) Checks to see if any admin users have blank passwords
cPlain text password format Checks to ensure your password format is not set to plain text
cUsers with plain text passwords Checks to see if any of your users have plain text passwords
hBlank passwords (non-admins) Checks to see if any non-admin users have blank passwords
hEnable password expiration Checks whether passwords are set to expire
hForce password policy on logon Checks whether the force password policy setting is turned on
hPassword format is not recommended Checks to ensure your password format is the recommended format
hPassword minimal length Checks the password minimal length setting
hSecurity hotfix might be needed Checks for Security Hotfixes that you do not have installed
hUse password policy Checks whether the password policy is enabled
hUse SSL for administration interface Use SSL for administration interface
mAdministrator's email Checks whether the Administrator Email is still set to the Kentico default
mInactive users with admin access Checks to see if any old admin/editor users have access to your site
lMaximum invalid sign-in attempts setting Checks to ensure you are locking users out after multiple invalid sign-in attempts

System Health

cLast full database backup (SQL) Checks to ensure the last full backup was done recently
cLast transaction log backup (SQL) Checks to ensure the last transaction log backup was done recently
hClass with missing database table Checks to see if there are any classes that are missing their database table
hContent publishing scheduled task is not enabled Checks to ensure the "Content publishing" scheduled task exists and is enabled
hDomain registration is going to expire soon Checks to see how many days are left until your domain name expires
hEmail queue: invalid recipient Checks for emails without a valid recipient address
hEmail queue: not running Checks for emails in the queue not being processed
hLow SQL server data file space Checks the available free space on the disk against the size of the data file
hLow SQL server log file space Checks the available free space on the disk against the size of the log file
hLow web server disk space Checks the available free disk space on the web server against the total space
hScheduled tasks enabled Checks to see if scheduled tasks are enabled on the site
hSQL server data file too big Checks to see if the data file has gotten too big
hSQL server log file too big Checks to see if the log file has gotten too big
hSSL certificate is going to expire soon Checks to see how many days are left until your SSL cert expires
hUnprocessed web farm tasks Checks to see if there are any old, pending web farm tasks.
mEmail queue: failed emails Checks for the number of failed emails in the queue
mExecute local search tasks scheduled task Checks to ensure the "Execute local search tasks" scheduled task is enabled
mExpired license key Checks for any expired Kentico Xperience licenses
mLicense key about to expire Checks for any Kentico Xperience licenses that will soon be expiring
mOld Kentico Xperience version Checks for Kentico Xperience version older than a given version
mRun all managed modules for all requests Checks the web.config to ensure runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"
lCustom tables missing a site Checks for custom tables that are not associated with a site
lPage templates missing a site Checks for page templates that are not associated with a site
lPage types missing a site Checks for page types that are not associated with a site
lUnprocessed search tasks Checks to see if there are any unprocessed search tasks


hEvent log: Application errors Checks the number of application errors in the Event Log
hEvent log: Macro errors Checks the number of macro resolver errors in the Kentico Event Log
hEvent log: Macro security errors Checks the number of macro security errors in the Kentico Event Log
hEvent log: Scheduled task errors Checks the number of scheduling executor errors in the Kentico Event Log

Best Practices

hPage not found for non-published pages Checks to see if unpublished pages are set to 404
mLighthouse: Accessibility Score (Desktop) Checks your Desktop Accessibility Score using a Lighthouse Audit
mLighthouse: Accessibility Score (Mobile) Checks your Mobile Accessibility Score using a Lighthouse Audit
mLighthouse: Best Practices Score (Desktop) Checks your Desktop Best Practices Score using a Lighthouse Audit
mLighthouse: Best Practices Score (Mobile) Checks your Mobile Best Practices Score using a Lighthouse Audit
mObjects checked out for too long Checks to see if any objects have been checked out for too long
mPages checked out for too long Checks to see if any pages have been checked out for too long
lAd-hoc page templates Checks for ad-hoc page templates
lLog content changes Checks to see if the site is logging content changes
lLog object changes Checks to see if the site is logging object changes
lPage types without a default page template Checks to ensure all page types that should have a default page template do have one


cSSL certificate verification Checks to ensure your SSL certificate is valid/verified
hGoogle sitemap URL Checks to see if the Google Sitemap URL setting is empty
mLighthouse: SEO Score (Desktop) Checks your Desktop SEO Score using a Lighthouse Audit
mLighthouse: SEO Score (Mobile) Checks your Mobile SEO Score using a Lighthouse Audit
mRobots.txt file is not valid Checks to see if a valid Robots.txt file exists
mRobots.txt path setting Checks to see if the robots.txt path setting is empty


lRecycle bin has old documents Checks for documents that have been sitting in the recycle bin for a while
lRecycle bin has old objects Checks for objects that have been sitting in the recycle bin for a while
lUnprocessed staging tasks Checks to see if there are any "unstaged" items in your system
lUnused custom page types Checks for custom page types that are not being used on any pages
lUnused custom tables Checks for unused custom tables
lUnused forms Checks for unused forms