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Checkup Documentation

SQL server log file too big

severity-high system-sqlserver-disk-log-file-too-big


If the log file gets too big it can cause your server to run low on disk space which can cause performance issues up to and including your site going down. The goal is to allow reasonable growth of the database while maintaining consistent performance. If the log file grows too large then it is necessary to either add space or do some data cleanup. We recommend keeping the log file under 5000 MB.

Check Logic

Constant Care for Kentico will ensure the SQL log file size (in MB) is no more than 5,000 (default)

You can manage your settings for this checkup in the Constant Care for Kentico admin settings.


You should check with your System Administrator if you are experiencing disk space issues.

Not sure what to do?

If you are ever unsure about making changes to your site, we encourage you to reach out to your Kentico Xperience Gold Partner. If you do not have a partner, then feel free contact the Constant Care For Kentico team to get connected with an expert.