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Checkup Documentation

Class with missing database table

severity-high cms-class-with-missing-table


Sometimes during development, a developer may decide to jump into SQL and delete or rename tables (maybe there was a typo in the name, or they just want it named differently). This is completely fine to do, but sometimes those tables may have been tied to a Kentico Class (Page Type, Form, Module Class, etc...). If a table that is associated to a class was deleted or renamed, it could mess things up pretty good inside your Kentico Admin.

Check Logic

Constant Care for Kentico will ensure the number of Classes with missing DB Table is no more than 0 (default)

You can manage your settings for this checkup in the Constant Care for Kentico admin settings.


If your system has missing database tabled, there are a few options to resolve them.

1. If it is not needed, you can delete the Class too (through the Kentico Admin)

2. If you do need it, and it was renamed, you can rename the table back to what it was (or change the Class info in the database). Change the class's table name is a little tricky but very doable if you are comfortable with SQL.

3. If you need it, and it was deleted, you will have to restore backups and bring the table back over to your database

4. if you need it, but there was not any live data in it, you have the option to delete it in the Kentico Admin, and rebuild it from scratch.

Not sure what to do?

If you are ever unsure about making changes to your site, we encourage you to reach out to your Kentico Xperience Gold Partner. If you do not have a partner, then feel free contact the Constant Care For Kentico team to get connected with an expert.